Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Choose your friends wisely!

Thanks to Kim for this Bible study. My Dad always taught me to "CHOOSE MY FRIENDS WISELY" because I'd become JUST LIKE THEM! Great wisdom!

"A righteous man is cautious in friendship,..." Proverbs 12: 26a

Having Christian friends (Brothers and Sisters in the Lord) is a vital part of our walk with God! We need to be very careful in the choosing of our friends! The wrong friends can lead us astray! They can be our downfall! The Lord warns us many times in His Word of the importance of those we rely on for encouragement in this life!

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18: 24

There are many different types of people that come in and out of our life!
Not all of them are good for us.
Not all of them have our best interest at heart.
Not all of them are concerned about us at all.
As we grow in the Lord, our friends change! We start to want different things! We don't live just for this life anymore! Our priorities change and so do our friends!
Prayerfully, as we get older and wiser we will, together with our friends, continue to grow Spiritually as we learn more and more about our Amazing God!

"A friend loves at all time, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17: 17

Carefully chosen Christian friends are the BEST BLESSINGS this world could ever offer! They ARE Jesus' Hands and Feet in our times of need!!!!
They love us even though we are not perfect!
They put up with us even when it is inconvenient!
They challenge us when we may be leaning in the wrong direction!

Father God, You know that not everyone is good for us! There are many people who lead us in the wrong direction! We pray for Your divine direction as we seek those who seek YOU! What a huge comfort it is...
... to have friends who love You,
... who turn to You for wisdom,
... who seek to behave in a way that shows Your Love,
... who have our best interest at the center of their heart!!
Wow!!!! I know I can feel YOUR LOVE for me through the friends You have placed in my life!
We all Thank You for these special, uplifting, encouraging, loving and giving people!!

Whoever loves money never has enough of it!

Great Bible study from Kim!

"Whoever loves money never has money enough;
whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.
This too is meaningless." Ecclesiastes 5: 10

The above was written thousands of years ago, but is still relevant for us today!!
We all wish we had more money for something!!! At the moment there are many that would like more money to make their house and car payment, put food on the table and/or pay for medical and car insurance!

This verse, I feel though, is not speaking about our needs but about never feeling content with what we have, always wanting more! We feel we are entitled to...
... go out to dinner whenever we want,
... go to every movie that comes out,
... purchase whatever we want before we have the money in hand...

God speaks to this temptation. He knows, without Him, we will never be filled, never have enough, we will never be satisfied, there will always be more we have to have to be happy! Happiness is for the moment! It doesn't last! God offers us more than happiness, He pours out His JOY, PEACE, CONTENTMENT, HOPE and so much more on us, in the midst of the troubles we are going through! He makes us feel COMPLETE, WHOLE and CONTENT!

Paul sums it up beautifully
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4: 11- 13

As the Study Bible notes say, "Prosperity, too, can be a source of discontent!"

Father God, we Thank You for the money we are able to earn. We ask for Your discernment in how to use it! There are many who are struggling with making ends meet and we Trust You to take care of them! We ask You to help us to be good stewards of the money we have been Blessed with! Your church needs money to function... food banks need funds to replenish for those in need... Missions need money to help Your Children here at home and in far away lands... homeless shelters are in need... the list is endless on where Your money can be used!
We ask Father that as we enjoy the life You have given us we don't get wrapped up in OUR wants, our vacations, our toys, .... Help us to stay focused on what is really important and what will bring us the greatest Joy and Contentment....helping others and SHARING what You have already given us!!

In Your Son's Sacrificial Name we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jesus is HERE!

Great reminder from Kim - thanks Kim!

"Then you will call, and the Lord will answer,

you will cry for help, and He will say:

HERE AM I!" Isaiah 58: 9a

What comforting words, "Here Am I!" What Peace those words bring!! They mean ...

... He has not forgotten us!

... He KNOWS what we are going through!

... He already has a plan to bring good out of any pain and suffering!

... He will remain with us, no matter what!!! He is there!!

Do you know His Love is with you when you are all alone?

Do you know His Compassion waits to comfort you during the toughest of times?

Do you know His Presence is with you, especially when we are making difficult decisions? And His strength is available to help us make the right choices?

Do you know He waits to speak with us everyday? Patiently He waits!

Wow, what Love! Can we say that about anyone else? ALWAYS there for us? Never too busy, never doing an errand, always available?

Father God, Please Forgive us for taking You for granted? Why do live the way WE want when You know what is better? Why do we not listen to Your Wisdom? Why do we not make ourselves more available to You and Your Work? Please forgive us Father!

We are so confused, so messed up by the lies we are told! May we NOT let Your Love letter go unused! May it direct the way we respond in all circumstances this day!! Thank You for providing us with the answers!